

From courses and contacts to fees and admission requirements, here are the answers you’re looking for. If you cannot find an answer to your specific question, click here to contact us directly.


About Us Questions

Pillar Seven is a digital learning platform developed by the University of the Western Cape (UWC) that aims to bring relevant Continuing Education courses (CE, or short courses), and mainstream degrees and diplomas to learners, students, workers and professionals from all walks of life. Read more about us here.

Pillar Seven is first and foremost a digital learning platform, however, you can find our home base at UWC in the Western Cape of South Africa. Map coordinates to the campus can be found here.

Pillar Seven allows UWC to offer non-formal courses to the public and businesses. The Pillar Seven website provides access to all non-formal courses offered by the University and, while some of the courses have minimum admission requirements, the majority are accessible to a broader audience looking to further their education and career development.

Where it is deemed academically responsible, “minimum admission requirements” for certain courses may be replaced with a statement where “learning is assumed to be in place”. This allows individuals who do not hold formal qualifications but has experience in the field with the opportunity to participate in the course. Please note that this cannot in any way be interpreted as an academic exemption for other courses or for admission to formal qualifications.

Pillar Seven courses are knowledge-sharing, informative programmes and participants are not regarded as university students. The courses offered do not lead to a formal qualification, however, a University-endorsed certificate is issued upon the successful completion of a course.

In certain instances, as indicated on specific course pages, a course may be recognised and participants completing that course may earn points towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) by a duly mandated professional body.

Academic Questions

Under the banner of Pillar Seven, UWC offers a wide range of non-formal programmes or courses that have been designed to:
  • Meet the needs of the public for access to the University’s research output,
  • Provide shorter learning interventions for the purposes of staff development, and
  • Serve as refresher or CPD courses for practicing professionals.

Non-formal courses are each designed for a specific purpose and do not lead to a formal qualification.

The University furthermore offers a range of formal degree and diploma courses for those meeting the respective admission requirements.

All courses offered through UWC adhere to a governance structure that ensures quality assurance for all formal and non-formal learning, which is provided by the University Senate. Non-formal courses are each designed for a specific purpose and do not lead to a formal qualification.

All Pillar Seven courses are designed for specific purposes and a University-endorsed certificate is issued upon the successful completion of the course. Please note this certificate does not equate or lead to a formal qualification. Formal qualifications have a minimum duration of one year or 120 credits at NQF Level 5 or above.

Pillar Seven courses do not lead to formal qualifications as admission requirements for Pillar Seven courses differ from those of formal qualifications and the duration of Pillar Seven courses are shorter than one year.

Pillar Seven courses are not credit-bearing, as is the case with non-formal courses offered by any South African university and instructed by the Council on Higher Education (CHE). In some instances, UWC, or another university, may recognise some of the work completed as part of a Pillar Seven course for credits towards a full qualification*. Please note such potential recognition is not arbitrary and the possibility for recognition of credit must form part of the course definition as approved by the University Senate, which provides a governance structure that ensures quality assurance for all formal and non-formal learning offered by the University, and will be available under course information on the Pillar Seven website.

Prospective participants of Pillar Seven programmes must note that acceptance into a Pillar Seven course does not guarantee admission to a full qualification offered by UWC. Successful completion of a Pillar Seven course may, however, support the application for admission to a formal course if a prospective student meets all the minimum admission criteria of the formal qualification they are applying to.

*Course-specific Senate documentation held by Pillar Seven can be made available on request to support a participant’s request for recognition elsewhere. This documentation will contain the course name, purpose and duration, minimum admission requirements, outcomes and assessment criteria. The information is available in English only and as approved by the Senate. Should translation to another language by a sworn translator be required, the translation service would be for the account of the course participant.

UWC is a well-recognised South African university established by the South African Department of Higher Education, which subsidises many of the University’s formal qualifications. All formal qualifications offered by the University have furthermore been accredited by the CHE and the successful completion of a course leads to a student record on the National Learners Database hosted by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

Information relating to which Pillar Seven courses are recognised, in what manner, by which authorities and their respective recognition mandate is outlined under course information on the Pillar Seven website.

Course-specific Senate documentation held by Pillar Seven can be made available on request to support a participant’s request for recognition elsewhere. This documentation will contain the course name, purpose and duration, minimum admission requirements, outcomes and assessment criteria. The information is available in English only and as approved by the Senate. Should translation to another language by a sworn translator be required, the translation service would be for the account of the course participant.

Once you have enrolled for a course on the Pillar Seven website, you will be provided access to your course materials online. Administrative support on course materials is also available for the duration of your course.

The minimum admission requirements differ for each course and is available under course information on the Pillar Seven website.

There are many resources available to participants of Pillar Seven courses, including access to certain UWC facilities, such as the library or laboratories. Access to these facilities will be specified under course information on the Pillar Seven website.

Pillar Seven’s capable administrative staff will also ensure you have the access needed for full participation in each of the courses you enroll in.

Administrative and Finance Questions

The duration of Pillar Seven courses vary from one day to more than one year. The duration of each course is specified under course information on the Pillar Seven website.

Enrollment fees for Pillar Seven courses vary and are dependent on duration and other factors, such as employer-, donor- or SETA-sponsored courses. All course fees are specified under course information on the Pillar Seven website.

All learning offered by UWC is strongly focused on ensuring successful outcomes. Therefore, while participants in continuing education and other courses offered by Pillar Seven are not deemed as enrolled students at the University, all course design and development is approved by various units at the University that are responsible for ensuring quality. These courses must furthermore ensure the appropriate support is provided to those enrolled.

The majority of the courses offered by Pillar Seven are flexible and supported fully by online learning, although some may require in-person (or contact) attendance. For more information on whether a course is online, contact-based or blended, check the course information on the Pillar Seven website.